Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Ethiopia in pictures

The Blue Nile, Lake Tana, Lalibela, Gonder and the Simiens - that's where we've been and what we've seen, we'll let the pictures tell you the story!
Currently we are in Sudan, where we can’t take pics as you need a special permit which requires much paperwork – so you’ll have to come and see it for yourselves. More news about this fascinating and friendly place in about a week or so, when we’re really dirty after at least 5 days of bush camping!
The Blue Nile Gorge
Relaxing on the shores of Lake Tana
Lake Tana
A coffee ceremony
Ana, Denise and Jen enjoying the local coffee
Pelicans on Lake Tana
Martin and the incredible St George's Church in Lalibela
Tom and Caitriona at St George's Church
St George's Church

St George's Church

St George's Church (again!  It is pretty photogenic though isn't it!)
Peter & Kathleen
Mike & Jane
An Ethiopian feast - injera and the various "wats" or stews
Kath showing her best Ethiopian "shoulder dance" moves 
Kath and a giant termite mound
Lunch with an audience
Martin and his advisors ;)
Jon and Adam in the Simien Mountains and a friendly guard
The stunning Simien Mountains

Mat & Ana
The unique Gelada Baboons

Rogan, showing how it's done
Al trying it for herself...  a once-off head-off apparently...
Tough roads take their toll on poor Athena, here the boys are helping Rogan change a tyre

Rogan and his new truck?
Sunset over a stunning bushcamp
Setting up camp
What an awesome spot!
Admiring the view
Seems like ages ago - but here are some more photos from northern Kenya, in Samburu-land